New Single Announcement! "Don't Say Goodbye"

Aaron just announced the release of his next single!

It's called "Don't Say Goodbye" and it comes out December 8th -- Just 4 days from now, and one day after Aaron's 30th birthday!

Be sure to check out Aaron's new song on the 8th!


October 22 - November 30 2017 Summary

This is another shorter Summary Sunday as Aaron has been less active on his various medias. This is our brief coverage of the rest of October, and all of November. To check out our previous summary posts, click here

Aaron posted on October 26 that he was still in treatment, but had gained 40 pounds in his time spent there so far. We're excited for his improving health and wish him well as he continues to improve! He later shared the following photo on instagram on November 10, though, showing his progress and stating "This is my before and after pics. I went from 115 to 160 pounds in two months I feel amazing."

A post shared by @aaroncarter on

He also shared in this tweet that he does still have access to his phone, and that he misses all of his followers while he had presumably limited access to and time for social networks. 

Amidst his work on himself during his treatment, Aaron posted several thought-provoking quotes and statements this past month and a half. 

On October 24th, Aaron posted an Albert Einstein quote, on the 26th, he posted a quote by Eraldo Banovac, and on November 11 he posted a John Burroughs quote. All three are below as well as an instagram photo from November 18 that he captioned with a quote by Harvey Mackay.

Aaron also posted some of his own thoughts on love, 2017, and 2018. 

He shared a hopeful tweet on November 7, to some lucky person out there. It reads "I love you. We just haven’t met yet."

He also shared his current relationship philosophy, sharing that he will let love find him while he lives every day to the fullest and doesn't dwell on his romantic status. We hope this approach makes Aaron happy, and are excited for him!








On a similar note, Aaron tweeted on November 30 that he strives to live for the future rather than focusing on the past, and that he's excited for 2018 and what the new year will bring. He highlights his excitement for his music in 2018. 








Speaking of Aaron's music, on November 7th Aaron tweeted a great thought about what he loves about music, included below. On the 22nd he shared a picture of himself working on a song, captioned, "back in the lab". He also shared a picture (shown below) on November 29 of him presumably working on his music, captioned "focused."  The next day, the 30th, Aaron tweeted that "Today was a dream come true! Can’t wait to do it all over again tomorrow." We think - and hope - he was talking about working on new music. Stay tuned for any musical developments and releases by Aaron between now and his upcoming album release!

Back in the lab.

A post shared by @ aaroncarter on


Aaron made some time in his busy music life this month for a charitable project as well. On Thanksgiving he posted a photo of himself doing food prep for Project Angel Food. That instagram post is shown below. 

Aaron didn't just celebrate Thanksgiving, he also got into a halloween mood in a post from November 28th, sharing a picture of what we presume to be his socks as well as wishing twitter followers a Happy Halloween on the holiday itself.

To end this month's summary, have a wake up selfie from Aaron's instagram which he captioned "morning" Enjoy!


A post shared by @ aaroncarter on

Thanks for reading! Be sure to check back next month for a summary of December, Aaron's birthday month!

Summary Sunday March 20-27, 2016

Summary Sunday is a series of posts where we post a review of what happened in the world of Aaron Carter the previous week. To see previous posts, click here

This past week...

Aaron started using a new social media platform, called SkooziApp. You can see his short video announcement about that here!

What up Facebook peeps!!? I'm gonna be on the new @skooziapp all day chatting with you!! If you wanna video chat with...

Posted by Aaron Carter on Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Aaron also encouraged his fans to add him on snapchat and talk to him there or just follow his story, and spent some time replying to fans' snaps. Add Aaron to follow his story, or maybe get a reply from him!

Another thing Aaron's did this week was give an interview to In it he discusses his new album, his old music, and his thoughts on fans' reactions to his support of Donald Trump. He defends his announcement of support, and explains his frustration with those bashing him for said support, by saying "A lot of the people who are arguing with me — they’re not in my tax bracket; they’re not in my shoes; they’re not in my position." You can read more of his thoughts on the subject, and the rest of the interview, here

Aaron also discussed performing in North Carolina in the interview, since he had a show there this past Friday. Aaron did this concert in Carrboro, NC because fans had trouble getting to his previous performance due to weather. His show featured one of his co-writers on LøVë, @lakestreetlouie on twitter. 

"@UNC @CatsCradleNC Friday night 3/25 10pm on stage 8pm doors All ages M&G available. Link In Bio ^"

This was Aaron's only show this week, following his busy two show (Boston, MA & Lynchburg, VA) weekend the previous week. Aaron's busy schedule kept him from getting much sleep over the weekend, and sadly he got sick after flying back to L.A. Sunday. Luckily, he's feeling better now after some time relaxing at his Malibu home. 

His R&R included spending time with his dogs, which he shared with fans by posting a picture on Tuesday of himself holding his new pug puppy, Onyx, after his bath. 

His downtime also included riding his dirt bike, a neon green Kawasaki he named Fiona, on Monday and Tuesday. Despite crashing, his posts share that he's having fun spending time on a hobby he's had since childhood. 

Watch Aaron's P.O.V. recording of his ride. Warning: it's a bit dizzying

While Aaron was recovering he also expressed appreciation for his fans for their love and support when he didn't feel well, and in general. 

Amidst Aaron's #fanlove this week there was an announcement that will make fans of his old music happy:

This announcement follows months of Aaron expressing frustration that some fans only come to his shows to hear Aaron's Party, I Want Candy, and That's How I Beat Shaq and a determination for his new music to impress his fans. We're excited that Aaron's throwback song at future shows will be one that shares the message of his upcoming album, LøVë. 

Aaron devoted a number of tweets this week to promoting his first single from the new album. Fool's Gold drops April 1st. Our site is posting a count down to the release! Only 5 more days! Check out some of Aaron's posts from this week about Fool's Gold:

Aaron posted some promotional photos for the song

MY single drops April 1st Fool's Gold On Fools Day! Let's get it!! #TeamFoolsGold #NewMusic

Posted by Aaron Carter on Wednesday, March 23, 2016

3 days #FoolsGold

A photo posted by Fools Gold 4-1-16 (SINGLE) (@aaroncarter) on

He also posted a tweet linking to the team behind the song. Aaron has emphasized that this song, and album, is something he produced, wrote, and funded himself, but also credits his team for their help. 

His #foolsgold tweets gave a shoutout to his brother too, who has a movie coming out April 1st as well. Be sure to support both Carter boys this April Fool's day!


To finish this week's post, we'll leave you with his words of wisdom tweets of the week. 


Check back every week to stay up to date on the world of Aaron Carter. And don't forget to buy Fool's Gold on April 1st!

Aaron Carter ACWWT 2015 Dates Announced!

Tonight Aaron announced on his twitter that the 2015 dates are up on his site for the ACWWT!


There are 22 dates between January and March. These dates include both US and international shows! You can buy tickets at or, for some shows, from the list below!

The entire list of announced shows is as follows:

  • January 9: Hamden, CT
  • January 10: Asbury Park, NJ
  • January 11: Teaneck, NJ
  • January 14: Manchester, UK
  • January 15: Digbeth, UK
  • January 16: Liverpool, UK
  • January 17: London, UK
  • January 18: Glasgow, UK
  • January 21: Berlin, Germany
  • January 22: Hannover, Germany
  • January 23: Mannheim, Germany
  • January 24: Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • January 25: Solothurn, Switzerland
  • February 13: Burlington, VT
  • February 14: Stafford Springs, CT
  • February 17: Baltimore, MD
  • February 19: Carrboro, NC
  • February 20: Greensboro, NC
  • February 25: Ferndale, MI
  • March 5: Madison, WI
  • March 25: Tuscon, AZ
  • March 27: Los Angeles, CA


These are the shows you can buy tickets to or R.S.V.P. to on facebook via our site:

Summary Sunday, November 16-22 2014

Summary Sunday is a series we started; every week we post a review of what happened in the world of Aaron Carter the previous week. To see last week's post, click here

This past week...

The #ACWWT continued with another 6 shows, in Alabama and Florida. 

During the week Aaron also posted a couple of excited tour updates on twitter and instagram:

Aaron also announced two new stops on the tour, in New Jersey

You can get tickets to those shows below, or get VIP packages for the Asbury Park and Teaneck shows.

The shows were announced amidst promotion of another VIP upgrade opportunity. Aaron announced on Sunday that he was bringing back the VIP package upgrade perk he ran last week. He initially announced that limited quantities were available, which was later clarified to be 20. In the end, he extended the contest for anyone who purchased a VIP package before 6 PM PST on Tuesday. Just like last week, Aaron announced these updates on both twitter and facebook, continuing to reward diligent fans who follow him on social media. 

Besides this major upgrade offer, Aaron also had a perk available for anyone at his show in Tuscaloosa on Wednesday ~ buy any merch item at the show and get it signed by Aaron after the show. This announcement came following the announcement that that show was sold out!

Last Sunday was also one of Aaron's dancers, Lee Karis's 25th birthday. Aaron gave her a birthday shout-out, and many of his twitter followers followed suit. 


Another important person made an appearance on Aaron's twitter and instagram this Saturday ~ his little brother Kanden! Kanden is Aaron's half brother on his dad's side, and is one of Aaron's lesser known relatives. Kanden is one of the three siblings Aaron has on his dad's side (along with a half-sister and a step-sister). How many fans out there knew about Kanden before this week?

aaroncarter's photo on Instagram

It looks like Aaron and Kanden hung out on his bus while he was in Florida, his home state. But that's not all Aaron did in Florida, he posted a number of pictures on instagram and some updates on twitter, sharing his enthusiasm to be home. 

aaroncarter's photo on Instagram

aaroncarter's photo on Instagram

aaroncarter's photo on Instagram

Aaron's busy week also included several interviews, the big ones being with MTV, WBRC Fox 6 in Birmingham AL (or "brrrrrrmingham" as he called it), and The Daily Buzz (which airs December 2). He posted a few things on instagram about the "brrrrrrmingham" appearance.

Freestyling with the weather man #WeatherManFreestyle brrrrrmingham #Alabama

A video posted by Aaron Carter (@aaroncarter) on

The MTV interview was notable because it featured Aaron's video commentary as he watched the music video for "Aaron's Party (Come Get It)" possibly for the first time EVER. You can watch that video below, or check out the whole interview here


Interviews weren't the only socializing Aaron did this week. He also visited sororities in Alabama and retweeted a number of things the girls were posting and posted a couple of pictures and a video of his own. You can learn more about how to bring Aaron to YOUR sorority at The Odyssey Online


The final tweets we want to cover this week are some wise words from Aaron, shown below

and a shout-out and thank you to his fans.


Sure was a busy week! Check back on the 30th for the next Summary Sunday post!


We have some exciting contests coming up in the future. To be notified of all contests, sign up for our newsletter below! This will also let you be notified when all the latest AaronCarterBlogs posts come out, or be whenever there's a new chance to contribute content. We never share your email address and you can unsubscribe or change your settings at any time!

Summary Sunday, November 9-15 2014

Today we're starting a new post series, called Summary Sunday. An idea submitted by our media guru Mike Faga, every Sunday we'll look back at what went on in the world of Aaron Carter the previous week. 

This past week...

Aaron performed 5 shows from #ACWWT

And Pat Solo, who is featured on Aaron's new song OohWee, joined the tour (below picture is from his instagram)

iampatsolo's photo on Instagram

Speaking of the #ACWWT, this past week was a busy one for deals and contests for tickets for the upcoming shows! Not only were there a number of show or city specific deals tweeted about by Aaron this past week, but he also had his "most #insane #VIP Package #Contest EVERRR". 


Not only did Aaron offer a free category upgrade to the first 20 people who purchased a VIP package after the contest was announced, but later that night Aaron announced he was adding another 10 people to the contest, and the next morning announced that ANOTHER 10 lucky people would get this upgrade. 

Obviously following Aaron on social media has it's perks (he announced the contest on both facebook and twitter). Also obvious is how much Aaron appreciates his fans, it's rare to find a celebrity so willing to have as many contests as Aaron does, making his VIP accessible to more of his followers. 

In less tour related news, fans who follow Aaron's twitter were treated to the surprising announcement:


I'd love to hear the story behind that tweet!

Also, this week Aaron was interviewed by Creative Loafing Atlanta. The article covering the interview, entitled, Aaron Carter wants you to call him discusses Aaron's difficulties in getting his fans to accept that he's not just the kid we all love from the 90's anymore. I highly recommend reading it if you haven't already. 

One of the article's last lines is a quote from Aaron, ""It doesn't stop ringing, and I don't stop picking it up," he says. "I always pick it up"". Speaking of Aaron picking up his phone, this week he posted his number on twitter again, telling fans to facetime him. As of posting, the tweet is still up, so hurry and write down the number!


That's it for this week, but be sure to check back on the 23rd for another Summary Sunday!




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Aaron Carter's #ACWWT Columbus Acoustic Performance

During his Columbus show on his Wonderful World Tour, Aaron told us that he doesn't often break out the guitar on stage. Luckily, AaronCarterBlogs has captured the entire acoustic segment of his performance for you to enjoy.

You can't beat the concert experience, but at least you can hear Aaron's vocal talent with nothing but the strum of the guitar and the sound of the crowd cheering him on.


Want to see the rest of the show, or hope for a chance to hear his acoustic performance live yourself?

Buy tickets to his show here!

Want to buy his music to enjoy without the crowd? His new song Oohwee is available for download with any merch purchase here!
And stay tuned for updates as he releases the rest of his album!

Don't forget! We're still looking for fans to interview for a future post! Interested? Email !

After Show Interview ~ Columbus OH 10.23.14

Tonight I got the chance to briefly interview Aaron after his concert in Columbus, one of many on his Wonderful World Tour! Curious what his favorite song to perform is? What about his favorite song from his new album? Watch below to find out! I also asked how a fan hoping to be more than friends can catch his attention!


Only at AaronCarterBlogs!

More content coming soon!



Get tickets to Aaron's tour here

Or follow Aaron on twitter!


We're currently looking for fans of Aaron to interview for a future post! Old and new fans welcome! Interested? Email us at 


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Aaron Carter's 26th Birthday Post

Today marks a day that I’ve had memorized since around second grade, Aaron Carter’s birthday! I remember every year on December seventh when I was in grade school I would go up to my friends and say “guess what today is!” They would never remember, but I would always happily inform them that it’s Aaron Carter’s birthday! Even all these years later, it’s one of the few dates I can spout off the top of my head. 

To celebrate Aaron’s 26th birthday , I thought I would write a post that’s long overdue – my review of his concert in Cincinnati (well, Newport) this September! 

I had already seen Aaron once this past year, in June, but was no less excited to see him again and meet him a second time. On September 27th, my fiancé and I drove to a church-turned-bar on a side street in Newport, Kentucky. We walked in to a room with a stage at one end, and stood in the gathering crowd to await the beginning of the concert (we arrived an hour early to make sure we got a good spot). The crowd buzzed with conversation and anticipation as people trickled in. 

Then the concert started. Aaron’s opening act, Jayceon ( @iamjayceon on twitter) had some good songs and impressive talent. Notable to me was that his songs’ message is not what you typically hear from rap music, but that just made it better in some ways. Also impressive about Jayceon was that he managed to squeeze showing off his talents and interacting with the audience in to a time frame that didn’t make the crowd feel like his performance was dragging on. He preformed just long enough to get the crowd excited. 

A short pause later and a group of instrumentalists came on stage. When they started preforming, they seemed like another opening act until, out of nowhere Aaron ran on stage! A creative way to surprise his audience and not keep them waiting too long like many performers do these days. 

Aaron brought an incredible amount of energy on stage and maintained it throughout the entire concert. He acted like he was preforming for a crowd of 50,000 instead of a crowd of 50. Also impressive was the fact that the live band he started with accompanied him throughout the entire concert. There was no singing to a prerecorded track, or singing over his own CD. The entire performance was obviously live, and his amazing vocal talent shone through. Anyone at the concert that night has no doubt of why he was in a Broadway show. Besides showcasing his musical talent, he also gave the audience a taste of his athletic side. He spent the entire concert dancing around stage and even did some flips, which also added to his stage presence. He definitely came a long way from a Nickelodeon performance years ago, when, if I remember correctly, Nick Cannon criticized him for only walking around the stage as he sang. 

Another notable way he added to his stage presence was by interacting with his band and the audience. He didn’t act as if he was the entire performance, or that the world ends at the edge of the stage. To me, this constant interaction with his fans is just another way that he shows how much he appreciates and recognizes their support. It’s also obvious how much his fans appreciate what he does for them. While his current following is small compared to what it used to be, and to other big pop stars of the day (though not small in itself, he has nearly 373,000 followers on twitter) his fan base has members who are incredibly loyal. Besides reminding his old fans why they love him, he is also gaining new fans such as my fiancé (a 20 year old guy who now loves Aaron so much that he openly admits to being a fan of someone who’s main fan base is girls), who was won over by just one show.  That’s how impressive Aaron’s performance was. 

The music Aaron preformed was a mix of both his own music and his renditions of some of what’s currently being played on the radio. His songs included classics like “Aaron’s Party” and “That’s How I Beat Shaq” (complete with costume change) as well as his new songs such as “Where Do We Begin” and “Let Go”. One song he sang that was not his own was “Get Lucky”, the new release by Daft Punk. As one line in this song says, “like the legend of the phoenix”, Aaron really has become like the phoenix. He’s rising from the ashes of the temporary obscurity he had fallen into over the years, and shows no sign of stopping as he soars back into popularity. The joy of this on Aaron’s face is obvious, and you can tell from his-near constant smile that he really loves what he’s doing. In the few moments he’s not smiling you see that his deep connection to and enjoyment of the music. And of course, as seen below, when he stops moving long enough to not be blurry, he takes a great picture. 

 We here at AC blogs wish him all the best and can’t wait until his next concert near us!

Later we’ll discuss meeting Aaron, and what a cool experience that was!

Aaron Carter 9.27.13 Credit:

Aaron Carter 9.27.13 Credit: